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02 August 2016

Simple Liver Detox, Also Helps You Lose Weight

 Celery Lemon Detox, diet, lose weight, liver detox

Liver is a vital organ that filter the blood coming from the digestive tract, before passing it to the rest of the body. Most of the time liver get damaged due to excessive alcohol intake, acetaminophen, viruses including hepatitis A, B, and C or diabetes. So it is important that we take care of our liver.

The matter of having and ensuring good health starts in the liver. If your liver is full of toxins, it won't be able to function efficiently and it may affect your overall well-being. You will also notice that your metabolism will be slower that will make you gain weight more easily.

There's a powerful drink that can detoxify your liver and you may also shed those extra unwanted weight. Drink it for three straight days and it will help you detoxify your liver.

Ingredients needed: Three (3) lemons, one cup of chopped parsley, 5 stems of celery, and 6 cups of water.

1. Squeeze the lemon and put the juice in the blender with the chopped parsley and celery. Add water then blend.
2. Drink 2 glasses for 3 times  day on an empty stomach. Drink it for the next 2 days.
3. Allow 7-10 days break then do the steps again. 

* Avoid heavy meals during the detoxification process for 3 days. Eat healthy food like vegetable and fruits to help the process of detoxification of the liver and lose some weight.

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