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07 July 2017

RMS Luminizer X Quad

RMS Beauty Living Luminizer, RMS Luminizer X Quad, highlighter, makeup, beauty products

The RMS Beauty Living Luminizer is an amazing product that every woman should have. It's a trendy coconut-oil based highlighter that's a hit specially for green beauty lovers. It looks good on every skin tone and offers that dewy glow. They have upgraded this product with the new "RMS Luminizer X Quad".

The "RMS Luminizer X Quad" is an innovative upgrade of the cult-classic living luminizer. The Luminizer X Quad has four different versions of the iconic formula, three of which are completely new. First, you have Luminizer X, which is an extreme version of the living formula. The other three are "Luminizer Nude", a glowy copper shade, "the Champagne Fizz", an opalescent shimmer, and the existing "Champagne Rosé" blush highlighter. These four high-impact luminizers can be worn alone, blended for a custom glow or mixed into any product for super luminosity.

Luminizer X - an Xtreme version of living luminizer.
Luminizer Nude - a subtle, radiant copper.
Champagne Rosé - a warm blush champagne.
Champagne Fizz - a glam opalescent shimmer.

RMS Luminizer X Quad launches this month.

RMS Beauty Living Luminizer, RMS Luminizer X Quad, highlighter, makeup, beauty products

The RMS Beauty Living Luminizer $38.00

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